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Our department works to preserve, operate, and enhance the County's expressway, unincorporated roads, and two general aviation airports in a safe, timely and cost-effective manner to meet the needs of the traveling public.
Provide tax-related information, updates, and services to the County of Santa Clara residents.
Supervisor Sylvia Arenas was elected to the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors in November 2022 after serving six years on the San José City Council.
District 2 Office
Representing District 3 on the County of Santa Clara Board of Supervisors – Constituent Services, Community Support and Engagement
Susan was elected as 4th District Supervisor for the County of Santa Clara in November 2018.
Office of District Five Supervisor Joe Simitian
About the District Attorney, Jeffrey F. Rosen.
The County of Santa Clara Reentry Resource Center opened in San Jose in 2012 and expanded to a second location in Gilroy in 2015.