Departments and Agencies
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The Finance Agency manages the County’s payments and collections, financial resources, accounting systems, and public and vital records.
The Office of Gender-Based Violence Prevention was established in September 2019 to improve collaboration and coordination across County stakeholders in order to improve long-term outcomes for survivors of violence.
The Technology Services and Solution Department - Enterprise GIS is responsible for the Enterprise GIS program of the County
Learn about the County of Santa Clara's Government Fellowship Program.
The Hazardous Materials Compliance Division (HMCD) was established in 1983 with the adoption of the local Hazardous Materials Storage Ordinance (HMSO), which regulates the storage of hazardous materials both above and below ground.
Health System
SCC’s HHW Program is a free hazardous waste drop-off for residents. Businesses generating small amounts (VSQG) can also drop-off their waste for a fee.
The Office of Immigrant Relations has served as a leading resource that has helped local governments and other entities to understand the issues, needs, and contributions of immigrants.
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is an integrated, systematic approach to managing pests.
Consumer and Environmental Protection Agency's Integrated Waste Management program assists unincorporated residents and businesses with garbage, recycling and organics collection issues.