County News Center


For the Dogs … and Cats, and Horses, and Ducks and more

You may have heard of Cesar Millán, television’s famous “Dog Whisperer.” Well, the County of Santa Clara has someone who might not be as well-known, but he’s certainly a dog’s best friend, the cat’s meow, and an all-around critter and creature comforter: Lorance Gómez, the operations manager of the County animal shelter.

Popular services

County by the numbers

County services and programs deliver impact that improves our lives

Kilowatts capacity of the new solar array at the County Animal Services Center in San Martin.
The project is one of three solar arrays the County constructed in 2024.
Learn about the County's efforts to expand solar power capacity at County facilities
Number of participants in wellness events at the Vietnamese American Service Center during the 2023-24 fiscal year.
The Vietnamese American Service Center (VASC) provides resources and enrichment to the community.
Learn more about the VASC
Pounds of surplus food donated to those in need.
Donations reflect first full year of implementation of SB 1383, a state law designed to ease hunger and combat climate change.
Food recovery update
Meet your elected

Board of Supervisors

Elected Officers

County Assessor

Lawrence E. Stone

District Attorney

Jeffrey Rosen

County Sheriff

Robert Jonsen

County Executive

County Executive

James R. Williams