Departments and Agencies
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CEPA enforces State and local laws and ordinances related to pesticide use, agriculture production, equity in the marketplace, animals, weed abatement, recycling and waste diversion, and environmental protection of area waterways.
The Controller-Treasurer Department fulfills the functions of Chief Accounting Officer, Internal Auditor, and Treasurer.
History of County Communications
Find information about the County of Santa Clara Archives.
Secure, preserve, and make accessible, the county's vital, business, and official records through maximized use of technology; while working together in the pursuit of excellence in customer service.<br />
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The County Counsel is the chief legal advisor and representative for the County of Santa Clara, including the Board of Supervisors and all County agencies and departments. The Office also represents the Civil Grand Jury and several school and special districts and other entities.
The Office of the County Executive provides support to the County's Board of Supervisors, the County's various organizations, and to the residents and businesses of the County of Santa Clara.
Office of Communication and Public Affairs org unit
Our department works to preserve, operate, and enhance the County's expressway, unincorporated roads, and two general aviation airports in a safe, timely and cost-effective manner to meet the needs of the traveling public.