Departments and Agencies
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The Clerk of the Board supports more than 75 Boards and Commissions by processing the Applications and forms necessary to volunteer and serve on these legislative bodies.
The County of Santa Clara was committed to ensuring a complete count of everyone in our community during the 2020 Census and conducted a multi-year effort to make sure everyone was prepared for the census.
The mission of the County of Santa Clara Department of Child Support Services is to promote the well-being of children and the self-sufficiency of families by delivering effective child support services to help meet the financial and medical needs of children.
The Clerk of the Board is the official record keeper for the Board of Supervisors and maintains the historical record of actions taken by the Board. The Office supports the Board and constituents by ensuring the governance of the County of Santa Clara is transparent and accessible to the public.
The County Climate Coalition is an effort lead by the County of Santa Clara that calls upon all counties in the U.S. to rally around combatting climate change.
CEPA enforces State and local laws and ordinances related to pesticide use, agriculture production, equity in the marketplace, animals, weed abatement, recycling and waste diversion, and environmental protection of area waterways.
The Controller-Treasurer Department fulfills the functions of Chief Accounting Officer, Internal Auditor, and Treasurer.
History of County Communications
Find information about the County of Santa Clara Archives.
The Clerk-Recorder's Office records or files authorized documents and maps, collects transfer tax and other fees, and registers all births, deaths, and public marriages occurring within Santa Clara County.